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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Research is carried out under good and correct rules that meet research and publication ethics.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • The submission file is in doc or docx format based on the IJoRCE's manuscript template.
  • The submission is free from plagiarism and written by Author(s) who are listed in the text with the correct order.
  • References and citations is written in accordance with IJoRCE citation style using reference management software with the APA style of citations.
  • I have read, understood, and agreed to all IJoRCE Publishing Fee.
  • I have read, understood, and agreed to all the terms on the IJoRCE website including but not limited to Author Guidelines, Publication Ethics, Editorial Policies, and Publishing Costs.

Author Guidelines


  1. International Journal of Research and Community Empowerment (IJoRCE) aims to publish original research, thoughts, viewpoints, and dissemination of knowledge in Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Health, Education, Economy, Literature, and Community Services.
  2. Manuscripts for IJoRCE are highly recommended to be submitted online by registering on the IJoRCE website ( If you have problems with online submissions, Articles can be emailed to IJoRCE ([email protected]).
  3. The type of manuscript must be the result of research (research articles) or the results of reviews (review articles).
  4. Manuscripts sent have not been published or are being considered for publication in other publishers. Authors must include a Statement of Authenticity of Manuscripts in submitting Articles.
  5. The manuscript should be written in English with the length of 6 to 15 pages.
  6. The title of the manuscript is written in English (Times New Roman, size 12, bold).
  7. The author's name (without title) must be accompanied by the full name, affiliation, and email of each author.
  8. Abstract is in the form of paragraphs, consisting of 200-250 words, written in English. Abstract using Times New Roman, size 11, Italic. The abstract contains a brief introduction, research objectives, brief methods, results and discussion, and conclusions. Abstracts are written concisely and clearly. More information can be found in the IJoRCE template.
  9. Keywords (maximum 5 words) are located below the abstract and are written in English.
  10. The manuscript (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, and Conclusions) uses Times New Roman size 12, 1 line spacing, A4 paper size (210 x 297 mm). More details can be found in Templates.
  11. Articles submitted to IJoRCE are original research articles (originality or state of the art articles should be mentioned in the introduction) or review articles on education and learning (see focus and scope in IJoRCE).
  12. Research articles must contain the title, author's name, affiliation/institution, email, abstract, keywords, introduction, method, results and discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments, and references.
  13. The review article contains the title, author's name, affiliation/institution, email, abstract, keywords, introduction, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, and references.
  14. This paragraph is written with justification. Paragraphs are given 5 characters for left indentation.
  15. The title of the image uses Times New Roman size 10, center alignment, 1 space, and is placed at the bottom of the image.
  16. Tables are typed in 1-space spacing, decimal places are used as positional references, and zeros must be specified (e.g., 0.333 and not .333). The columns and rows in the table must be titled. Table titles are written in capital letters for the first letter of each word. The table title is placed at the top of the table. Font size 10 pt or can be customized. An example of a table format can be seen in the Template.
  17. Diagrams, schemes, charts, or flowcharts use Times New Roman, 1 space. Font size 10 pt or can be customized.
  18. Equations are numbered with the number to the right in brackets. The equation must use the International System (SI) and its standard abbreviations. Decimal marks use periods for articles in English (example: 0.5). Abbreviations should be avoided unless they have been defined previously or are commonly used abbreviations. Footnotes are not allowed.
  19. Any financial or another substantive conflict of interest that could affect the results or interpretation of the research should be addressed in the manuscript. All sources of financial or non-financial support for the research should also be listed in the Acknowledgments section.
  20. The introduction contains the state of the art, gap analysis, and research objectives. State of the art discusses similar studies that have been conducted. Authors must cite at least 10 scientific articles to have a good state of the art. After discussing the relevant studies, an analysis of the problems that the research will raise is carried out in the gap analysis section. Gap analysis is a statement of why research needs to be done and reflects the novelty of the research. The final part of the introduction is a statement of the purpose of the study. In the introduction, there is no need for a general definition and/or a large number of theories considering that the journal reader is the scientific community, not the general public.
  21. The research method is written in full and in detail so that other researchers can repeat the research (reproducible) for confirmation and clarification. General methods do not need to be written down in detail. This section contains the research design, data collection techniques, data sources or participants, and data analysis techniques.
  22. Results summarize the findings of the study. In this section, it is unnecessary to write the research results in detail. Results can also come from data analysis (in tables or graphs) or hypothesis testing. The data in the results are used to support the discussion.
  23. The discussion is the most important part of a scientific article. This section must answer the problem, interpret research results and research findings into existing knowledge, confirm and/or contrast research results with existing research, develop new theories, and/or modify existing theories.
  24. Results and Discussion must answer the questions of what, why, and what else. Research findings should be written down and discussed clearly. Furthermore, the research findings were compared with existing theories and research and comprehensively discussed. Thus, it needs a lot of citations (minimum 5 references) in the discussion section. In the final paragraph, it is necessary to write down the implications of the research results for the scientific field.
  25. Mathematical equations are written using Microsoft Equation Editor or Design Science: MathType - Equation Editor. The equation number is written on the right side of the equation in the order in which it appears.
  26. Pictures, graphs, diagrams, or charts are written with the title at the bottom of the object.
  27. Pictures, figures, graphs, diagrams, charts, and tables must be referred to in the discussion. Tables are written with titles at the top of the table.
  28. Conclusions are written in paragraph form. Conclusions must be brief, do not re-explain the research results, and answer research problems. There is no need to write suggestions in this section. Conclusions must be able to answer research objectives/questions and may not repeat the abstract or simply rewrite experimental results.
  29. Acknowledgments are addressed to a person, group, and/or institution/institution that assists with research. If a grant funds the research, the type of grant, the granting institution,  and the grant contract number must be written in this section.
  30. Bibliography is sorted according to the alphabet. Everything referred to in the article must be written in the bibliography, and everything written in the bibliography must be referred to in the article. The number of references in the bibliography is at least 15, with the provision that more than 80% come from scientific articles published in up-to-date National or International Journals (less than 10 years). Writing a bibliography using Mendeley, End Note, or Zotero software with the APA style is highly recommended.
  31. All articles submitted to IJORCE will be read and reviewed closed (blind peer review) by (minimum) 1 Peer-reviewer who is an expert in their field. Acceptance of the manuscript depends on the novelty of the research, the article's significance, the contents' correctness, the level of originality, the clarity of the description, and the suitability of the journal's goals.
  32. The editorial board has the authority to accept, return manuscripts for revision, and/or reject submitted manuscripts.
  33. Templates can be downloaded from For more information, please contact the IJORCE Editorial Board via email [email protected].


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