About the Journal

Focus and Scopes

International Journal of Research and Community Empowerment (IJoRCE) accepts research articles on Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Education, and Community Services.

Peer Review Process

All manuscripts submitted to International Journal of Research and Community Empowerment (IJoRCE) will be reviewed in single-blind review by a team of reviewers who are experts in the field of education. Criteria for acceptance of manuscripts depend on the novelty of the research, the correctness of the contents of the material, originality, clarity of manuscript writing, and suitability for the topic and objectives of the journal. The decision to publish the manuscript by the Editor is final and cannot be contested.

Publication Frequency

International Journal of Research and Community Empowerment (IJoRCE) dedicated for Teacher, Lecturer, and Researcher to publish their newest research in Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Education, Economy, Literature, and Community Services. IJoRCE published by PT Mitra Edukasi dan Publikasi. IJoRCE publish twice a year with minimal 5 articles for every issue. IJoRCE is published in February and August.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Anti-Plagiarism Policy

All manuscripts submitted to International Journal of Research and Community Empowerment (IJoRCE) must be the author's original work (plagiarism free). The submitted manuscript has never been published and/or is in the process of being sent to any publication media. The author is responsible for the authenticity of the submitted manuscript. All incoming manuscripts will be checked with similarity-checking software (Turnitin and/or iThenticate). Manuscripts with a high level of similarity/plagiarism will be rejected, and we can blacklist the author.

Reference Management Software

All manuscripts submitted to International Journal of Research and Community Empowerment (IJoRCE) should use reference management software (e.g., MendeleyEndNote, and Zotero) with the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style.